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About LinguaFlix

"Formal learning is like riding a bus: the driver decides where the bus is going; the passengers are along for the ride. Informal learning is like riding a bike: the rider chooses the destination, the speed, and the route."
Jay Cross

Watch and Learn

LinguaFlix is an aggregator that automatically crawls  YouTube to discover videos for which subtitles in multiple languages are already available. The videos are then shared on the site, allowing students to gain access to a collection that includes a variety of video categories such as news, comedy, science, cooking, etc.

Improved Interaction

LinguaFlix is a video enhancement tool; it was created with the aim of giving language students the opportunity to watch videos they are interested in, subtitled in the language they are learning as well as their native language.  At the same time, it provides access to further features such as dictionaries and quizzes related to the videos the students are watching.